Cultural offer in the public space of the historic center of Mexico City. The case of Zócalo 1997-2010
Duque, Eduardo. Participation in the jury of Violeta Rodriguez Becerril. Cultural offer in the public space of the historic center of Mexico City. The case of Zócalo 1997-2010, 2018. Other, University of Minho.
Member of the jury to assess the application for recognition of qualifications for the title of Master in Social Sciences and Humanities, obtained at the Universidade Autónoma Metropolitana, at the level of a master's degree granted by the University of Minho. Diário da República, II Series, nº 97, of May 21, 2018.
Original title: Oferta cultural en el espacio público del centro histórico de la ciudad de méxico. El caso del zócalo 1997-2010.