Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)



  • How Do Young People Respond to Conflict? A Comparative Study of Argentinean and Portuguese College Students

    Silva, Ana M. C; Brandoni, Florencia; Duque, Eduardo. 2016. "How Do Young People Respond to Conflict? A Comparative Study of Argentinean and Portuguese College Students", European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research 8, 1: 30 - 39.
  • Digitalism and education: do humanist values still have a future?

    Duque, Eduardo; Calheiros, António. 2017. "Digitalism and education: do humanist values still have a future?", Work presented in the 5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, In Book of Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Santander. Original title: Digitalismo e educação: os valores humanistas continuam a ter futuro?.
  • Music at the service of religion

    Valente, Joel; Duque, Eduardo. 2016. "Music at the service of religion", Work presented in Proceedings of the IX Portuguese Congress of Sociology, In Portugal, território de territórios | Portugal, territory of territories, Faro. Original title: A música ao serviço da religião.
  • Human capital as an engine of sustained development

    Duque, Eduardo. 2013. "Human capital as an engine of sustained development", Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, In Políticas de Base Regional e Recuperação Económica | Place--Based Policies and Economic Recovery, Braga, Portugal, 372-384. Original title: O capital humano como motor de desenvolvimento sustentado.
  • Participants' perception of the impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012

    Remoaldo, Paula; Duque, Eduardo; Carballo-Cruz, Francisco; Ribeiro, Cadima. 2013. "Participants' perception of the impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012", Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, In Políticas de Base Regional e Recuperação Económica | Place-Based Policies and Economic Recovery, Braga. Original title: Perceção dos participantes dos impactos da capital europeia da juventude 2012.

