Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)

The effects of flexible work in the construction of the professional trajectory of the young contemporary worker

Duque, Eduardo. Participation in the jury of Francisco Coelho Cuogo. The effects of flexible work in the construction of the professional trajectory of the young contemporary worker, 2018. Other, University of Minho.
Jury member for consideration of the application for recognition of qualifications of the title "Master in Social Sciences - area of Social Policies and Practices", obtained at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Brazil, at the level of master's degree granted by Minho's University. Diário da República, II Series, nº 39, of February 23, 2018.

Original title: Os efeitos do trabalho flexível na construção da trajetória profissional do jovem trabalhador contemporâneo.

