Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)



  • Autonomy of the Elderly in Domiciliary Context

    Elisa Borges, Joana Teixeira, Patrícia Sousa, Autonomy of the Elderly in Domiciliary Context, 2014. (Advisor). Original title: Autonomia do Idoso em Contexto Domiciliário.
  • Assess the burden of the Informal Caregiver over the Terminally ill patient

    Ana Costa, Daniela Pedrosa, Tatiana de Jesus, Rita Costa, Assess the burden of the Informal Caregiver over the terminally ill patient, 2014. (Advisor). Original title: Avaliar a sobrecarga do Cuidador Informal face ao doente em Fase Terminal.
  • The Elderly and the Prevention of Accidents in the Home Context

    Bruno Conceição, Licínia Sousa, Olga Bogachova, Romeu, The Elderly and the Prevention of Accidents in the Home Context, 2014. (Advisor). Original title: O Idoso e a Prevenção de Acidentes em Contexto Domiciliário.
  • The Nurse's Perception of death in Palliative Care

    Andreia Maia, Andreia Machado, Liliana Martins, Vanessa, The nurse's perception of death in palliative care, 2014. (Advisor). Original title: A Perceção do Enfermeiro acerca da morte nos Cuidados Paliativos.
  • The Loneliness of Institutionalized Seniors and in the Community

    Adriana Portilho, Ana Lopes, Liliana Gonçalves, Sara Cunha, The Loneliness of Institutionalized Seniors and in the Community, 2014. (Advisor). Original title: A Solidão dos Idosos Institucionalizados e na Comunidade.
  • User satisfaction with Nursing care

    Liliana Macedo, Mara Teixeira, Sérgio Pinto, Vânia Carvalho, User satisfaction with Nursing care, 2013. (Advisor). Original title: Satisfação dos utentes com a assistência de Enfermagem.
  • The family caregiver in the home context

    Carminda Gomes, Cláudia Dias, Luís Silva, Vera Gomes, The family caregiver in the home context, 2013. (Advisor). Original title: O familiar Cuidador em contexto domiciliário.
  • Expectations of Patients/Family regarding the purpose of internment in a Medium and Long Term Care Unit

    Carla Madama, Daniela Miranda, Mariana Chaves, Expectations of Patients/Family regarding the purpose of internment in a Medium and Long Term Care Unit, 2013. (Advisor). Original title: Expetativas dos Utentes/Família relativamente à finalidade do Internamento numa Unidade de Cuidados Continuados de Média e Longa Duração.
  • Social networks and values

    Andreia Dantas, Rosa Dias, Rui Sousa, Vera Moreira, Social networks and values, 2012. Course Conclusion Paper (Degree in Sociology) - University of Minho (Advisor). Original title: As redes sociais e os valores.
  • Social and valuing transformations in a constantly changing society

    Ana Ribeiro, Ana Silva, Jacira Baptista, Mónica Ribeiro,Social and valuing transformations in a constantly changing society, 2012. Course Conclusion Paper (Degree in Sociology) - University of Minho (Advisor). Original title: Transformações sociais e valorativas numa sociedade em constante devir.
  • Self-medication in non-institutionalized elderly

    Ana Lopes, Carla Macedo, Marta Castro, Miguel Teixeira, Self-medication in non-institutionalized elderly, 2011. (Advisor). Original title: Automedicação nos Idosos não Institucionalizados.
  • World of work and employment

    Dalila Tanque, World of work and employment, 2011. TCourse Conclusion Paper (Degree in Sociology) - University of Minho (Advisor). Original title: Mundo do trabalho e do Emprego.
  • Social solidarity

    Susana Oliveira, Social solidarity, 2011. Course Conclusion Paper (Degree in Sociology) - University of Minho (Advisor). Original title: Solidariedade Social.

