Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)



  • Transformations in Education

    Transformations in Education, 2019 (Seminar)Event's name: Seminar under the Curricular Unit of the PhD Course "Advanced Studies in Curricular Studies and Educational Technology" called "Transformations in Education"; Institution's name: Institute of Education, University of Minho; City of the event: Braga/University of Minho.7.11.2019. Original title: As transformações na Educação.
  • I International Congress - Death: readings of the human condition

    I International Congress - Death: readings of the human condition, 2019 (Congress).Event's name: The society of discontinuity and forgetfulness and the urgency of a new culture; Institution's Name: Instituto de Estudos Avançados em Catolicismo e Globalização.21-24.02.2019. Original title: I Congresso internacional - A morte: leituras da humana condição.
  • Conference for teachers at Colégio dos Salesianos Lisbon

    Conference for teachers at Colégio dos Salesianos - Lisbon, 2019 (Conference).Event's name: Youth, resistance and social changes: the proposal for an educational system that teaches how to think; Institution's Name: Colégio dos Salesianos; City of the event: Lisbon. 29.01.2019
  • Action of training

    Action of training, 2019 (Other).Event's name: Adaptation and academic (un)success in 1st year students; Institution's Name: Centre for the Innovation and Development of Teaching and Learning at the University of Minho; City of the event: Braga / University of Minho.28.01.2019
  • The new paradigm of education

    The new paradigm of education, 2017 (Congress).Event's name: III International Congress on Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship; Institution's Name: Catholic University of Mozambique; City of the event: Beira / Catholic University of Mozambique.21. Nov. 2017. Original title: O novo paradigma da educação.
  • Digitalism and education: Do humanist values still have a future?

    Digitalism and education: Do humanist values still have a future?, 2017 (Symposium).Event's name: 5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development; Institution's Name: University of Granada; City of the event: Santander / Santander. May 27-27.Original title: Digitalismo e educação: Os valores humanistas continuam a ter futuro?
  • Labor relations in Portugal and decent and productive work

    Labor relations in Portugal and decent and productive work, 2016 (Seminar).Name of the event: Labor relations and their impact on Portuguese society; Institution's name: UGT; City of the event: Braga / Braga.November 11. Original title: As Relações laborais em Portugal e o trabalho digno e produtivo.
  • Research Conference: 'Past, present and future of youth studies. 30 years of youth studies in Spain '

    Research Conference: 'Past, present and future of youth studies. 30 years of youth studies in Spain', 2015 (Congress).Name of the event: "Past, present and future of youth studies. 30 years of youth studies in Spain"; Institution's Name: University of Valencia; Event's city: Valencia. 1-2 out. Original title: Jornadas de Investigación: 'Pasado, presente y futuro de los estudios de juventud. 30 años de estudios de juventud en España'.
  • The Impact of the Crisis on Old Age

    The Impact of the Crisis on Old Age, 2014 (Other).Event's name: V Social Gerontology Conference; Institution's Name: Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic of Braga; City of the event: Braga. May 22nd. Original title: Os Impactos da Crise na Velhice.
  • Sociological analysis of religious phenomena

    Sociological analysis of religious phenomena, 2007 (Seminar).Institution's Name: Sá de Miranda Secondary School - Braga; City of the event: Braga. April 19, 2007. Original title: Análise sociológica dos fenómenos religiosos.
  • Society and postmodern values

    Society and postmodern values, 2006 (Conference).Institution's Name: Escola Didaxis; City of the event: Vila Nova de Famalicão/Escola Didaxis. December 6th. Original title: A sociedade e os valores pós-modernos.
  • The role of the Church in multicultural sociability

    The role of the Church in multicultural sociability, 2006 (Conference).Institution's Name: Câmara Municipal de Guimarães, AMAVE and ACT; City of the event: Guimarães / Vila Flor Cultural Center.December 4th. Original title: O papel da Igreja na sociabilização multicultural.
  • Religious reconfiguration in postmodernity: a new kind of belief

    Religious reconfiguration in postmodernity: a new kind of belief, 2006 (Conference).Institution's Name: Organization of Open Week; City of the event: Guimarães / Escola Francisco Holanda. March 30th. Original title: A reconfiguração religiosa na pós-modernidade: um novo género de crenças.
  • The Church as a cultural system

    The Church as a cultural system, 1999 (Gathering).Institution's Name: Colégio Teresiano; City of event: Braga. June 3rd. Original title: A Igreja como um sistema cultural.
  • Parapsychology, Sociology and Religion

    Parapsychology, Sociology and Religion, 1999 (Seminar).Institution's Name: Students' Association; City of the event: Braga / Faculty of Theology - UCP. April 16. Original title: Parapsicologia, Sociologia e Religião.
  • Adult culture and youth as a value

    Adult culture and youth as a value, 1999 (Gathering).Institution's name: IPJ; City of the event: Braga / Portuguese Youth Institute. February 12th. Original title: A cultura adulta e a juventude como valor.
  • Social theory, globalization and religious thought

    Social theory, globalization and religious thought, 1999 (Conference).Institution's Name: Degree in Education at the University of Minho; City of the event: Braga/University of Minho. January 21th. Original title: Teoria social, globalização e o pensamento religioso.
  • The values of Christmas: a critical theory of society

    The values of Christmas: a critical theory of society, 1998 (Conference).Institution's Name: Organized by the Portuguese and English Groups; City of the event: Bragança/Escola Secundária de Vinhais. December 12th. Original title: Os valores do Natal: uma teoria crítica da sociedade.
  • Homo religiosus and social theory

    Homo religiosus and social theory, 1997 (Gathering).Institution's Name: Religious Science Interns at the Faculty of Theology - Braga; City of the event: Viana do Castelo. November 21, 1997. Original title: Homo religiosus e teoria social.
  • Challenges of the Knowledge Society

    Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2013 (Round table).Name of the event: "Views on Geographic Science"; Institution's Name: Department of Geography, University of Minho - (Prof Paula Remoaldo and Prof Maria José Caldeira); City of the event: Guimarães / University of Minho. Original title: Desafios da Sociedade do Conhecimento.
  • Modernity, subjectivity and language

    Modernity, subjectivity and language, 1999 (Gathering).Institution's Name: Organized by the School's Portuguese Group; City of the event: Guimarães / Escola Secundária de Creixomil. Original title: Modernidade, subjetividade e linguagem.
  • Rethinking society: ways and directions in contemporary

    Rethinking society: ways and directions in contemporary, 1998 (Other).Event's name: X Vila das Aves Cultural Days; Institution's Name: Câmara Municipal; City of the event: Santo Tirso/Vila das Aves. Original title: Repensar a sociedade: caminhos e sentidos na contemporaneidade.
  • Symbolic language: representations of the religious phenomenon

    Symbolic language: representations of the religious phenomenon, 1998 (Conference).Institution's Name: Organized by the School's Portuguese Group; City of the event: Fafe/Escola E.B. 2,3 and Secundária de Revelhe - Fafe. Original title: Linguagem simbólica: representações do fenómeno religioso.

